Download PiHome Smart Heating Controller Raspberry Pi SD Card IMG: PiHome Smart Heating Raspberry pi 4GB SD card image with the LAMP stack and including Apache, PHP 7.x and MySQL/MariaDB and phpMyAdmin pre installed and configured, you can download this image and burn it on SD card (minimum 4GB sd card required). if you need help with how to copy img file to SD card please check this OS Installation and WiFi Configuration.
Download PiHome Smart Heating SD Card IMG
Hi, I’m running this img on a Pi Zero W, and having trouble getting it to do anything. For example, if I use override.php to override the state of heating and hot water, the relevant GPIO pins do not change state, and neither do the “status” fields in mysql zone_view (as viewed using phpmyadmin). However if I refresh my browser override.php picks up the new states (i.e. it remembers I have overriden the zone state). Any suggestions?
I’m no linux expert but can follow the basics of php and mysql. I’ve written some test php which can read the zone_view sql table, and can operate the gpio pins, so I know the basics are working. From what I can see overridelist.php changes zone states by calling javascript:active_override(‘.$row[“zone_id”].’), but I cannot find that JS function, where is it?
Thanks, help much appreciated 🙂
So that all seems to be working, clicking an override button does change the status value of the relevant row in override_view sql table.
I’ve worked out where my problem was – the cron job boiler.php, line 180 onwards, where it works out $zone_status. I’ve simplified that to suit my needs, and all is now working fine.
Is there an overview of software structure anywhere? Something simple would help newbies like me, e.g.
– web pages are php, all in /var/www/
– data (including logs) is stored in mysql (view with phpmyadmin)
– web ui reads and modifies mysql data, e.g. overridelist.php calls javascript:active_override(), which calls db.php (line 129 $what==”override” $opp==”active”), which does sql update of override table, status field
– cron jobs are in /var/www/cron see CronJobs List:-
selfservice.php syncs data by reading from sql tables and calling mypihome.php
boiler.php updates boiler and zone outputs (e.g. gpio)
– view the debug echo info from these by running them manually (/usr/bin/php /var/www/cron/boiler.php)
Thanks, Ben
I have adjusted the time zone, and the collected measurements (weather, temperature) are stored with the correct timestamps. However, in the charts the horizontal axis (time) does not reflect the time zone or align with the time value displayed in the tool tips when hovering over the lines.
Can you suggest how I can correct the time axis on the charts?
Did you change timezone in setting table?
Yes, I set it to Australia/Melbourne.
How about including day of the week in scheduling to give the ability to run different schedules over the weekend
Hi, I installed this image on raspberry pi 3b, but when i go to run the comand “/usr/bin/php /var/www/setup.php” it reports an error “2019-05-03 11:28:58 – PiHome Install Script Started
2019-05-03 11:28:58 – PHP Version 7.0.33-6+0~20190412071042.12+jessie~1.gbp26747c Looks OK
2019-05-03 11:28:58 – MySQL DataBase pihome Already Exist.
2019-05-03 11:28:58 – MySQL DataBase Create Dump File for Exiting Database.
2019-05-03 11:28:59 – MySQL DataBase Compressing Dump File pihome_2019-05-03_11-28-58.sql
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class ‘ZipArchive’ not found in /var/www/setup.php:79
Stack trace:
#0 {main}
thrown in /var/www/setup.php on line 79”
Can you help me? I dont know much about php.
Thanks in advance. LP
hi Tilen,
if you download image for your sd card you dont need to run setup, everything is already there for you.
Ohh, i was thinking that i needed to do that becuse i cant get the gui to show up when conecting to pi˙s ip, i only get the original apache debian site.
Are you sure you downloaded PiHome SD card image?
Yea i downloaded this image .
i just tested the image and its working fine for me. all i can say download again and try.
I did that, but now the raspberry pi doesnt want to connect to the wifi, even when all wifi ssid and password are set. :/
Here is example of wpa_supplicant.conf file that you can copy to sd card on boot partition on windows/mac. for reference have look here :
ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev
Well I figured out why it wastn conecting, i was making the file on the pi, but the file wasnt saved on sd card, weird but now it works, thanks so much for the help!
Hi there,
I recently learned about your pi system and wanted t test it out. The problem i that when I try to download the IMG file that is ready for use, instead of IMG file in the zip folder there is some strange type of file that no program can open it. Can you help me out?
Best regards
Mr Ilia Panayotov
Hi Ilia,
this issue is fixed, file extension (.img) was missing but i have updated if now and you can write this file to your sd card.
Hello all,
I have downloaded the latest version of the SD image (the one with PiHome 1.73) and wasn’t able to connect the gateway at the beginning. After some troubleshooting I found that the image was missing pyserial. This is fixed by running the following command:
sudo apt-get install python-serial
thank you for letting me know, i will img file later in the evening.
Hi there,
I recently learned about your pi system and wanted t test it out. The problem i that when I try to download the IMG file that is ready for use, instead of IMG file i receive a .RAR file i can’t open it. it always say is corrupt thanks
Hi Alexandre,
i just tested file and found no error. you need winrar to unzip this file first.
does not understand one. How to log into pihome?
What login and password?
I typed those for the pihome page but it doesn’t work.
Hi Jarosław,
all login credentials are here
I have the basic system set up before I do anything I am going to just Put some LED’s on the Relays and Track that for a while, I am only going to use the Boiler On as a Thermostat input, I have my hot water set to timed, and then a Wireless Thermostat using the call for heat on the boiler control, I intend to replace this with the system at first, use 2 Wireless Temperature sensors as the remote Thermostats. So far so good Gateway up and detecting Sensors. However I seem to be unable to update the Pihome Pages.
1. Keep getting nagged for Email Address and no matter what I put in it will not take it.
2. Weather update signed up and created an API key just throws and error : errorthrown internal server error
Is there something I am missing ?
Hi Andrew,
did you sign-up for openweather api key for weather update? let page load fully and then try to enter valid email address, issue is opned on github for this:
You can join discussion on Discord
The system is working 2 Sensors and the Relay switch.
1. I can set up a schedule and save it and the system will work with that schedule.
2. Add another Another Zone etc.
2. So editing and saving a Page of config works Schedule pages etc.
What I cannot do is.
1. Enter the Email address – I know you have this as a BUG but I think the following are a similar issue, as they all do not work.
2. Update Weather signed up to System and looked on Discord.
2. When I click any single Icon that sends a control back to the unit it fails.
Boost override for example
GET http://xxx.xx.x.xx/fonts/glyphicons/HelveticaNeue-Light.woff net::ERR_ABORTED 404 (Not Found)
GET 500 (Internal Server Error)
Reboot PI asks are your sure then Fails and pops up the Enter email
GET net::ERR_ABORTED 404 (Not Found)
Shutdown PI asks are you sure – Fails – Pops up the enter email
Frost Temp is set to 5 – Trying to change it does nothing will not update.
I am I doing something wrong the Image and the card came with the KIT 1.77 it is not something I downloaded and installed myself.
Kindest Regards
I have fixed it somehow – I created a new user manually directly into the the database, and using that user the system allows me to enter email, Boost etc. It seems the default user admin – pihome did not work for me.
So it now seems all working
I am trying to find the part of the app to disable the scan for temperature sensors as initially I only want to link it to my underfloor heating and retain the existing manual thermostats.
Could someone point me in the right direction.
Many thanks
you can disable gateway from settings->gateway and un-tick enable gateway. this will disable gateway script, also you can disable sensor reporting fault from settings->alerts and set to 0 for sensors.
Hi, I’m having difficulty deleting a GPIO controller which I entered in error in Nodes Settings. When I select “delete”, I get the message “You are about to DELETE an ACTIVE Controller”. I select yes and nothing happens. It doesn’t delete. Because it is not deleted, it will not adopt the corrected settings I want to enter. Can anybody help please? It is the latest version of PiHome downloaded from this website just a few days ago.
Hi Afzal,
i have updated img file last night to latest version, you can download it or update your version from command line. updating your pihome installation is easy simply run followings commands one by one.
cd /var/www/
git pull origin
cd MySQL_Database/
php update_db.php
Thanks for the prompt reply. I’ll try this and see how I get on.
Seems to be failing at the last step. I get this:
2021-03-17 17:59:19 – PiHome Database Update Script Started
2021-03-17 17:59:19 – php version 7.3.27-1~deb10u1 looks OK
Make Sure you have correct MySQL/MariaDB credentials as following
Hostname: localhost
Database: pihome
User Name: pihomedbadmin
Password: xxxxxxxx
2021-03-17 17:59:19 – Testing Connection to MySQL/MariaDB Server.
2021-03-17 17:59:19 – Database Server Connection Successfull
2021-03-17 17:59:19 – Checking if Database Exits
2021-03-17 17:59:19 – Database pihome Found
2021-03-17 17:59:19 – Checking GITHUB for Database Update
mysqldump: Got error: 1698: “Access denied for user ‘root’@’localhost'” when trying to connect
2021-03-17 17:59:20 – Database Update Found on GITHUB
2021-03-17 17:59:20 – The Following Updates will be Applied to the Database.
PHP Warning: fopen(currentDB_dump.sql): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /var/www/MySQL_Database/update_db.php on line 83
Unable to open file!pi@raspberrypi:/var/www/MySQL_Database $
did you change any credentials? looks like pihomedbadmin do not have permission on database.
hello, i am having a tough time getting wifi to work on the raspberry pi 3b. I have verified that i am connecting to the 2.4 band and my password is correct. Any suggestions of what im doing wrong? I also downloaded the prebuilt image.
Thanks Lee