Buy PiHome Smart Heating – DIY Raspberry Pi Home Automation Kit for Smart Heating: PiHome – Smart Heating Control is central heating control systems that runs on Raspberry Pi. You can control your home heating from your smartphone, laptop or tablet. PiHome is a wireless boiler control which mean you don’t need to run cables from PiHome controller to your boiler or to your heating zone valve or to any temperature sensors in any heating zone.
PiHome can manage nearly all types of heating systems without any modifications to your heating systems. PiHome Smart Heating kit is designed for multi zone heating systems, You can make your heating system more flexible and more comfortable with unlimited schedules, override, boost, night climate and away functions. PiHome monitor temperature for each zone and evaluate schedule time to optimize your heating and save heating cost.
What is Included in Package:
1 x Class 10 SD card with Pre-installed OS + PiHome Smart Heating
3 x 18650 Battery Powered nRF24L01 2.4GHz Wireless Temperature Sensors
1 x Wireless nRF24L01 2.4GHz Multi Zone Controller 4 Channel Relay Board
1 x nRF24L01 Wireless Boiler Controller Relay
1 x Smart Home Gateway (nRF24L01 to Ethernet/WiFi)
Check out PiHome Shop for all you need for your Smart Heating
You can download User Manual for PiHome Connection
Hi, i have a condensing boiler, with water heating. is this also suitable for this? because now it is operated with wireless thermostat, but i would like to change it. how it is with the equitherm curve? with the temperature from outside?
Hi Peter,
yes PiHome can replace any exiting heating controller. equitherm curve is new term to me but google didnt gave me any good link to read about this but what i understood so far (after reading few pages): weather factor or PID control have look in Roadmap/Feature for PiHome for reference about PID/Weather factor.
Hi. Thank you for answer. So basically i can connect the device to my boiler via bus plug right? I have now a wireless thermostat, and the receiver is directly connected to bus pug on boiler with two cables. I would like to have this solution but i need to be shore that it works for me. sorry for bothering you with my questions
Hi Peter, can you take pictures of your setup/connection and email me ( i can add them here if you don’t mind so others can benefit as well). as i said PiHome can replace any setup out there in the wild.
Hi, looks like great project, I’m considering buying a kit but have couple of questions.
I currently have no zone control in the house, but I’m converting my attic soon, so I need to do some plumbing work for attic heating so decided it’s good time to convert it.
All my radiators have separate lines going out from hot press so I’ts ideal for turning it into zoned, was thinking about putting some ball valves there and use it with your system.
Something similar to this:
should work ok with your relay boards just wire one control wire to NO and other to NC contact of relay.
Thing is I need 8 or 9 relay outputs/temperature sensors dependent on setup I decide (hot water tank, downstairs,attic, and all rooms on first floor), do you build 8 relay boards or can I buy extra 4 relay ones off you (you don’t have them listed on ebay).
Another thing is the gateway, the one you sell in the kit is nRF24L01 to wi-fi, would it be possible to set up pi as wireless AP (for example using hostapd) to communicate with gateway and use wired connection for home LAN. I switch off my home wifi for a night, even if it’s not the case it’s just another device in control loop that’s not really needed so would like to avoid it.
Do you see any advantage in connecting immersion heater to your system (through proper contactor) if I will already have separate zone for gas water heating.
One other question about supply.
For gateway its cleatly 5v micro usb.
Are relay circuits mains supply or 5v?
Not clear from description and one of the pictures on ebay for boiler relay shows 240 AC to 5v DC converter.
Hi Adam,
Thank you for considering PiHome project at your heating controller. Electric Motorized Valve function when you supply power L and N and L controlled via some relay to power on/off, For simplicity have look at this Connection diagram.
as present i only have 4 channel relay per zone controller(limited PIN numbers on atmega328) but having said that you can have as many zone controller as you need. when you create zone in PiHome you define where this zone valve is connected (zone controller id) and what temperature sensors feeds data for zone.
To question on setting up hotspot on rpi and connecting gateway to that: i never done this but as long as Raspberry pi have way to talk to gateway it should work.
At this moment and time there is only one heat source for all the heating, i know it can be done after making some changes but wouldn’t say PiHome can control two heat source as i need to test this.
Zone Controller and Boiler Controller and Smart Home Gateway all have Micro USB connection and requires 2amp 5v power supply to function.
Ps: if you want to buy this package drop me email and i can quote you price for this all. Also temperature sensors are now 2xAAA batter powered.
I bought the kit and I’m trying to get this to work… but I’m having some issues.
I have everything powered up:
– The Wi-Fi gateway has the led on
– The Zone controller has a few LEDs on and when powered up the LEDs go through a series of blinks
– The temperature sensors go through a long blink followed by a short one when powered up
From the Pi I’m able to ping the IP address of the Wi-Fi gateway. I have the software installed on the Pi, and I’m able to access it and set up the zones etc.
However all zones show 0.0degC and when I click on them I get the following error:
I believe that the Pi is not communicating with the Wi-Fi gateway. Is there any way to check this? How can I confirm which is the correct UDP port of my Wi-Fi gateway?
Hi Js,
Looks like PiHome isnt able to communicate with zone controller, make sure you PiHome is connected to your Smart Home gateway, you can change ip address for your Smart Home Gateway under settings->Gateway, if you dont know the ip address of your gateway you can simply click search under settings->gateway and PiHome will find your Smart Home Gateway, this process runs in background and might take some time complete.
Hi Admin,
Thank you for the quick reply.
The IP address of my Smart Home Gateway is I can ping this from the terminal.
In the settings I have:
I have confirmed this is what is in the gateway table in the MySQL database:
id status sync purge type location port timout pid pid_running_since reboot find_gw version
1 1 0 0 wifi 5003 3 3793 1 1 2.3.1\n
I have tried the Search Gateway option in the settings but this didn’t help.
I have tried also to uncomment the following lines in the file, but still didn’t help:
#MySensors Wifi/Ethernet Gateway Manuall override to specific ip Otherwise ip f$
#mysgw = "" #ip address of your MySensors gateway
#mysport = "5003" #UDP port number for MySensors gateway
Is there any way to confirm that 5003 is the correct port?
What else could be affecting the connection between the Pi and the Smart Home Gateway?
I have noticed that if I cycle the power on the temperature sensor the LED on the Smart Home Gateway blinks and once in a while the TX LED on the Zone controller blinks and at the same time the LED on the Smart Home Gateway blinks. So I think the communication between the temperature sensors & zone controller and the Gateway is fine.
you can rung gateway python script manually:
root@pihome:~# python /var/www/cron/
after running this script you should get following text and if you reboot zone controller or sensor you should get messages on screen as well. can you run gateway script and send out put
_____ _ _ _
| __ \ (_) | | | |
| |__) | _ | |__| | ___ _ __ ___ ___
| ___/ | | | __ | / _ \ | |_ \_ \ / _ \
| | | | | | | | | (_) | | | | | | | | __/
|_| |_| |_| |_| \___/ |_| |_| |_| \___|
* MySensors Wifi/Ethernet Gateway Communication Script *
* to communicate with MySensors Nodes, for more info *
* please check MySensors API. Build Date: 18/09/2017 *
* Version 0.08 - Last Modified 20/07/2019 *
* Have Fun - *
MySensors IP :
MySensors Port : 5003
Size of the String Received: 60
Date & Time: Sun Oct 20 11:23:20 2019
Full String Received: 0;255;3;0;14;Gateway startup complete.
Full Statement Received: ['0', '255', '3', '0', '14', 'Gateway startup complete.\n']
Node ID: 0
Child Sensor ID: 255
Message Type: 3
Acknowledge: 0
Sub Type: 14
Pay Load: Gateway startup complete.
Size of the String Received: 40
Date & Time: Sun Oct 20 11:23:20 2019
Full String Received: 0;255;0;0;18;2.3.1
Full Statement Received: ['0', '255', '0', '0', '18', '2.3.1\n']
Node ID: 0
Child Sensor ID: 255
Message Type: 0
Acknowledge: 0
Sub Type: 18
Pay Load: 2.3.1
10: PiHome MySensors Gateway Version : 2.3.1
Thank you for the hint. I was missing the MySQLdb module.
For future reference, when I run the manually I got:
File "/var/www/pihome/cron/", line 30, in <module>
import sys, telnetlib, MySQLdb as mdb, time
ImportError: No module named MySQLdb
I fixed this by running the following commands:
sudo apt install libmysqlclient-dev
pip install mysql-python
I have set everything up and I can now see the temperature from all 4 sensors updating and I can operate the relays of the Multi Zone Controller using the Boost option.
However the schedule doesn’t work. I entered the schedule by clicking on the “clock” on the top bar and the on “Add schedule”. I can see the schedule entries in the schedule_daily_time_zone and schedule_daily_time tables in the database. However when from the web interface I click on the “clock” on the top bar the page is empty (I cannot see the schedules I have entered) and the relays of the Multi Zone Controller are not operated as per schedule.
Is there some setting I need to change to enable the schedule?
Thank you,
Hi Js,
can we have remote session with teamviewer, you can drop me email with your id and password and i have have look at your system.
Hello. Just I had ordered Banana Pi.
I’m interesting to Open Source Projects things.
I had 1.65 version installed and all was good. The SD card corrupted and had to install 1.77. It worked but only problem now is Node 21 is communicating but 0.0 degrees and boiler switches on immediately. The only way to switch off boiler is by putting 5 min in node alert and keep it there.