
Making WiFiManager compatible with MySensors 2.3.2

Its not bug but a workaround just in case if any one is searching for solution. I was successfully using WiFiManager with MySensors 2.3.1 but after upgrading from MySensors 2.3.1 to 2.3.2 i was unable to compile ESP8266 gateway sketch and had error

To fix this iissue you need to comment out MySensors code in two location in core/MyGatewayTransportEthernet.cpp may be there is better way but this is quick fix.   Comment out line 49 to 55


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Integrated Home Assistant with PiHome

I recently installed Home Assistant on a spare Raspberry Pi to play a bit with it and see what this system could offer. Once I got it running and configured it to control a couple of lights I started wondering if and how Home Assistant could be integrated with PiHome. After doing some researches I decided to give it a try, and by the end of the day everything was up and running! The idea of this implementation is to…

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PiHome version 1.77

PiHome community always working hard to improve your smart home experience. Get the latest version for all of the available features. PiHome version 1.77 release packed with some serious improvements and bug fixes. Highlights in This Release There are over 100 changes to PiHome since Last release version 1.76, to name few of major changes: #178 Fix for boiler and zone logs query #387 Update to Sunset for Cat2 Zones #381 to enable offset against sunset time from weather api and improvement to formatting…

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32 Zone Under Floor Heating System

Property is setup with 32 underfloor heating zone manage through 6 manifold in total scattered in different locations throughout the property. Each manifold have electrical zone valve to open/close hot water circulation through manifold and circulation pump to circulate water in its manifold to cope with heating demand and separate zone valve to allow water the go through this manifold. Current Setup Current setup is consist of Heatmiser UF1 zone controller with TRV-N wired temperature sensors to control individual zone…

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Raspberry pi 4

Boot Raspberry Pi 4 from USB SSD

Booting Raspberry pi from SSD is more reliable then small might SD card that never designed for Operating System. After long waiting finally native USB boot for raspberry Pi 4 is here. I know it is in beta now but i can not wait to get my hands dirty with this. Now lets boot Raspberry pi 4 from USB SSD disk. Note: Its not the final release and upgrade at your own risk. You still need SD card to boot…

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Boot Raspberry Pi from USB SSD

I was doing some read and write speed testing of PiHome SD card, it is doing good job so for me but i wanted to run raspberry pi from SSD drive connected via USB port and i wondered if it is possible or not so i across raspberry pi article  on how to do this. Check how to configure Raspberry pi 4 to boot from USB SSD Lets simplify this for the sake to engineering steps. Run following command to…

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Resizing the USB SSD on Raspberry Pi

Default way to resizing SD card with raspi-config is not going to work on USB SSD disk so we have to do this old fashion i.e. command line fdisk. Let change partition table with fdisk. You need to remove exiting partition entries and then create a new partition that takes the all the free space on the disk we have. This will only change the disk partition table not the data on the disk. First Part of this post about:…

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PiHome with iOS HomeKit

PiHome Smart Heating has been designed to offer control your multi zone heating system. Apple HomeKit support adds great connectivity to an already feature rich open source Smart Heating solution. Homekit is a home accessories management framework developed by Apple. It allows Apple devices owners to control connected objects from different manufacturers using a single interface. It enhances Siri’s capability to interpret commands intended for those devices. To make PiHome work with Siri you need to install Homebridge and the…

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PiHome with Amazon Echo Voice Control

Alexa is Amazon’s digital assistant. Alexa is a lot like Apple’s Siri, but instead of existing within your phone or computer, Alexa lives in Amazon cloud. A few years ago, the coordinated smart home felt like a dream but Amazon Echo changed the way with interact with smart home devices over voice.  Lets make PiHome work with Amazon echo. Update PiHome Lets update your PiHome software from Github to latest. login to your raspberry pi and issue following commands.

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Wired 3 Zone UK S Plane Heating System

I was given a RPi 2 model B as a gift and looking for something to do with it came across PiHome. That turned out to be a bit over ambitious – I have no knowledge of RPi or programming and it is 40 years since I experimented with simple DOS commands. This guide is intended for anyone with my lack of skills that likes the idea of using this project to control their home heating with a wired setup.…

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