This boost console is made by PiHome Smart Heating user and code contributor Terry Adam and he agreed to share his version of boost console. This boost console uses a 2.4inch ILI9341 based TFT screen. It also acts as a local thermometer, but displays the zone control thermometer temperature and the zone target temperature. Also shows the CE and HW on/off state, when on the red square is filled if the control relay is on, else it is not filled. Two buttons to action HW and CE boost.

Php script run as a cron job every minute, it writes 3 entries into the messages_out table, the console has a node_id of 50, child_id 1 is the central heating zone target temperature, child_id 2 is the zone temperature and finally child_id 3 is a 6bit field used to control the display legends. At the top of the script I identify the names as set in the zone table, for the Central Heating, Hot Water and location of the console (Kitchen in my case).

PiHome Smart Heating Boost Console with TFT

PiHome Smart Heating Boost Console with TFT

Php Console Script