Property is setup with 32 underfloor heating zone manage through 6 manifold in total scattered in different locations throughout the property. Each manifold have electrical zone valve to open/close hot water circulation through manifold and circulation pump to circulate water in its manifold to cope with heating demand and separate zone valve to allow water the go through this manifold.

PiHome Smart Heating

Current Setup

Current setup is consist of Heatmiser UF1 zone controller with TRV-N wired temperature sensors to control individual zone with limited central control and no web interface of any kind to access or check status of any zone from any smart device.


Utilise exiting electric wires, zone controller where possible to reduce electrical waste and keep replacement cost low but at same time commission PiHome Smart Heating to control all aspect of heating and give user control over all 32 underfloor heating zone on all 6 manifold.


All room thermostats are decommissioned from system but leave them on the wall to display temperature and replaced with PiHome Temperature sensors to take temperature readings and send to PiHome over 2.4Ghz wireless network. exiting Heatmiser UF1 Zone controllers are still in good condition and can be used to with PiHome Zone Controller acting as trigger for any zone, by doing this we are utilising exiting zone controller with all the wiring in place.

PiHome Controller connection


Images of Zone Manifolds, PiHome Controller, Repeater,

PiHome Zone Controler

PiHome Zone Controler

PiHome repeater

PiHome repeater

PiHome repeater

PiHome repeater

PiHome Controller connection

Checkout PiHome Shop for all available options for your Smart Heating needs.