PiHome community always working very hard to improve your experience of Smart Heating. PiHome version 1.75 is packed with some serious improvements and bug fixes. If you have any feedback or run into any issues you can always find help on PiHome site. This release packed with some serious improvements and bug fixes, to name some of them as follow.

PiHome Smart Heating

PiHome Smart Heating

Highlights in This Release

There are over 100 changes to PiHome since Last release version 1.74, to name few of major changes:

#222 Python 3
#238 Update Amazon Echo to latest Python 3 version of Fauxmo
#193 iOS HomeKit API – Homebridge
#172 Voice Command (Compatibility with Amazon Echo
#238 Update Amazon Echo to latest Python 3 version of Fauxmo
#219 WiringPi alternate to access RPI GPIO
#159 Gateway Python Script improvements
#224 Gateway script with wired and wireless ds18b20
#209 Remember Me for GUI interface
#210 Night Climate midnight rollover
#237 PiConnect – Cleanup
#212 Update HomeKit Interface to use Webhooks and re-organize directory structure


Special thanks to the following people who have contributed code to this release:


Important information

Update your PiHome Smart Heating installation even if you do not want to use new features, new release also include some bug fixes.

How To update

Login to your PiHome via ssh and follow these steps to update your PiHome Smart Heating.

Update Raspberry pi

Python 3 installation

Set Python 3 as Default

Check default version of python

If your default version is other then 3 you can set python 3 as default.

Add the following after the last line in the file

To implement the change run following command

Update PiHome Software

Updated PiHome Database

Wiring Pi Deprecated

Wiringpi is deprecated and no longer supported by PiHome, If you are using Raspberry pi GPIO to controller your zone or boiler make sure you update GPIO pin number, to physical pin number of your Raspberry pi.

Help for Next PiHome Release

If you’re interested in helping out please checkout GitHub for issue. If you like PiHome Smart Heating Controller please consider starring the project on GitHub and like us on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/PiHomeHVAC)

About PiHome and Its Evolution


Download the Source Code

Source code (tar.gz)