
Enable Serial Port on GPIO on Raspberry Pi 3 (Raspbian Jessie)

The Raspberry Pi GPIO serial port configuration has changed under Jessie and also with the Raspberry PI 3. By Default serial port is disabled and on RPI 3 Bluetooth made it even made it more confusing to enable Serial Port on GPIO. In this post i’ll describes how to enable serial port on GPIO. As i m not interested in Bluetooth so i m going to disable it and keep GPIO serial. In order to enable serial port edit /boot/config.txt…

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Building a MySensors Serial Gateway

Connect Arduino to Raspberry Pi There are few ways to connect MySensors Serial Gateway (Arduino) to Raspberry pi, the easiest one is to connect Serial Gateway (Arduino) via USB port to raspberry pi. This is be easiest way and saves hassle of all wiring on other hand we can use serial pins on raspberry pi to connect to Arduino which is little bit difficult but we are here to build everything our self so let’s build pcb board with all…

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DS18B20 Temperature Sensor with Raspberry Pi

One Wire temperature sensor DS18B20 is very popular and easily available because they are quite cheap and provide satisfactory precision of temperature readings. One wire DS18b20 has operating temperature range from -55°C to +125°C with accurate to ±0.5°C. DS18B20  can easily interface with Raspberry Pi. This sensor has three pins: VCC, GND and DATA. The voltage range is between 3.0 to 5.5 so this can be easily interfaced with raspberry pi. To communicate with the sensor 1-wire protocol is used.…

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Battery Powered Arduino DS18B20 Temperature Sensor

18650 battery powered Arduino DS18B20 temperature sensor would lost on average 2 years without to re-charge or replace the battery. It is best to use 3.3v Arduino Pro Mini with lower clock speed to conserve battery. To optimize battery life further you can remove power LED and status led connected to Arduino pin 13. Check out PiHome Shop for all you need for your Smart Heating 18650 battery powered temperature sensors are feed power to Arduino mini through raw pin…

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Wireless Arduino Multi Zone Controller Relay with nRF24L01

Wireless Arduino Multi Zone Controller Relay with nRF24L01: If your house have Multi Zone Heating then you can control each zone heating independently with raspberry pi and this will save you lot on your heating cost considering that you don’t have to heat all the house all the time. For this purpose you need to build wireless relay switch as Multi Zone Controller so we can open and close zone valve to circulate water in each zone as needed. Check…

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Wireless Arduino Boiler Controller Relay with nRF24L01

Wireless Arduino Boiler Controller Relay with nRF24L01: Control gas boiler with relay by connecting it to room thermostat connection on gas boiler without passing any current to gas boiler or at least this is how i did it and not to worry about buildup pressure inside heating pipes as gas boiler controller takes care of that itself. You can control High Voltage electronic devices using relays modules that are readily available in the market. I am using the HL-52S 2…

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Connect Arduino with nRF24L01 Radio

The nRF24L01+ transceiver module uses the 2.4GHz band and it can operate with baud rates from 250kbps up-to 2Mbps true ultra low power and low cost transceiver. nRF24L01+ communicate with Arduino via SPI interface and it consumes around 12mA with operating voltage from 1.9v to 3.3v. nRF24L01+ can communicate with other nRF transceiver modules and it can reach 100m in clear line of sight with lower baud rate. In this article I will explain you how to connect nRF24L01 with…

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Python Script for MySensors WiFi/Ethernet Gateway

Python Script for MySensors WiFi/Ethernet Gateway: To communicate with MySensors WiFi/Ethernet gateway I’m using Python script which run as cron job on my controller (Raspberry pi). Python script is used to receive all incoming and sending all out going commands through serial gateway to all MySensors nodes. You can start python script to check all communication is working fine and script can communicate with MySensors WiFi/Ethernet Gateway. Installing Dependencies Login to your raspberry pi via ssh and issue following commands…

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Python Script to Communicate with Serial Gateway

To communicate with mysensors serial gateway I’m using Python script which run as cron job on my controller (Raspberry pi). Python script is used to receive all incoming and sending all out going commands through serial gateway to all mysensors nodes. MySQL Table to For  Incoming Messages First you need to create table in MySQL database so we can save all incoming messages from wireless sensors to MySQL database. Simply create table or copy and past this script to create…

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One Wire Temperature Sensor – DS18B20 to MySQL/MariaDB Database

If you followed instructions on how to connect One Wire DS18B20 to Raspberry pi gpio then next step would be how to take temperature readings from DS18B20 One Wire digital temperature sensor and store these readings to MySQL/MariaDB database. As you may know that each DS18B20  One Wire digital temperature sensor has a unique 64-bit serial number wonderful part that we can have more then one DS18B20 One Wire digital temperature sensor connected to same 1-Wire bus. Check out PiHome…

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