
Raspberry pi Heating Boiler Control System Relay

Raspberry pi Heating Boiler Control System Relay: Control gas boiler from raspberry pi GPIO with 5v relay by connecting it to room thermostat connection on gas boiler without passing any voltage to gas boiler or at least this is how i did it as my gas boiler had thermostat connector available. You need to check this with your boiler user/technical manual. You can control high voltage electronic devices using relays modules that are readily available in the market. I am…

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Raspberry pi Multi Zone Heating Control System Relay

Raspberry pi Multi Zone Heating Control System Relay: If your house have Multi Zone Heating then you can control each zone heating independently with raspberry pi and this will save you lot on your heating cost considering that you don’t have to heat all the house all the time. In this post i will show you how to build wired multi zone heating control system relay and control it from raspberry pi gpio so we can open and close zone…

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WiringPi Installation

The WiringPi is required to interact with Raspberry Pi’s GPIO pins, it plays very important part to control zoned heating system, In this post i will show you how to install WiringPi on your Raspberry Pi. With WiringPi we can control multi zone heating system and your boiler relay that is connected directly on your Raspberry pi GPIO pin. if you want to build wireless zoned heating system then follow Wireless Arduino Multi Zone Controller Relay with nRF24L01.  Install WiringPi…

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