voice control

PiHome with Amazon Echo Voice Control

Alexa is Amazon’s digital assistant. Alexa is a lot like Apple’s Siri, but instead of existing within your phone or computer, Alexa lives in Amazon cloud. A few years ago, the coordinated smart home felt like a dream but Amazon Echo changed the way with interact with smart home devices over voice.  Lets make PiHome work with Amazon echo. Update PiHome Lets update your PiHome software from Github to latest. login to your raspberry pi and issue following commands.

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PiHome IFTTT Google Assistance and Node-RED

Link Google Assistant to PiHome

With a bit of spare time over the Christmas break, I have been working around with my google home and PiHome. I was ready to buy a boost console from PiHome but decided to try my own attempts first. Rather than using a physical button, I decided to try voice commands instead. Below is the description of how I got there – I’m sure you can think of a number of improvements/ a much simply way of coding this, but…

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