pihome build

Roadmap/Feature for PiHome

  i have tons of email from lots of people requesting different features and upgrades so i thought to have post on site about roadmap/feature requests for PiHome so we can share ideas what we can do and what is needed and how community can help and contribute, right now everything is under one post but once we get things moving we can have one dedicate page for each upgrade. List of request/features Under Floor Heating with Higher Inertia. Room…

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Build a Web Connected Raspberry pi Thermostat

Build a Web connected raspberry pi thermostat and control your heating from any smart devices, PiHome comes with following two options one Wired to GPIO and wireless with nRF24L01. I strongly suggest you to download PiHome Smart Heating img file for your raspberry pi with PiHome pre-installed and configured with all dependencies. You can download User Manual for PiHome Connection Wired Heating System Connected to Raspberry Pi GPIO 1-Wire DS18b20 Temperature Sensor Multi Zone Heating Control System Relay Raspberry pi…

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Download Opensource PiHome Smart Heating Control

Download Opensource PiHome Smart Heating Control: This Project is based on Raspberry Pi, whole systems is presented using Apache web server, all information is stored in MySQL/MariaDB database. Python script is used to log temperature sensor data from One wire DS1820 temperature sensor, most of the code is written in PHP. PiHome – Smart Heating Control is opensource and available to download free of cost and it is compatible with MySensors WiFi Gateway, Ethernet Gateway and Serial Gateway with nRF24L01+…

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