
One Wire Temperature Sensor – DS18B20 to MySQL/MariaDB Database

If you followed instructions on how to connect One Wire DS18B20 to Raspberry pi gpio then next step would be how to take temperature readings from DS18B20 One Wire digital temperature sensor and store these readings to MySQL/MariaDB database. As you may know that each DS18B20  One Wire digital temperature sensor has a unique 64-bit serial number wonderful part that we can have more then one DS18B20 One Wire digital temperature sensor connected to same 1-Wire bus. Check out PiHome…

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Install Apache, PHP 7.0 and MySQL/MariaDB on a Raspberry Pi (LAMP) with phpMyAdmin

LAMP is an acronym that stands for Linux Apache, MySQL/MariaDB and PHP. i have LAMP installation post for PiHome but i see lots and lots of people are looking for setting up php 7 with phpMyAdmin and MariaDB on raspberry pi and there isn’t any comprehensive set of instruction that covers this all for PHP 7, MariaDB on raspberry pi. If you are looking for Raspberry pi SD card image for LAMP (Apache, PHP 7.0 and MySQL/MariaDB on a Raspberry…

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Download LAMP (Apache, PHP 7.0 and MySQL/MariaDB and phpMyAdmin) Server IMG File

Download LAMP (Apache, PHP 7.0 and MySQL/MariaDB and phpMyAdmin) Server IMG File that I have prepared for Raspberry pi and it will fit on 4GB SD card, this image comes with the LAMP stack and including Apache, PHP 7.0 and MySQL/MariaDB and phpMyAdmin pre installed and configured, you can download this image and burn it on SD card (minimum 4GB sd card required).This LAMP stack comes with Raspbian 10 (buster). if you need help with how to copy img file…

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