
MySQL Access From Remote Computer

By Default MySQL only accept local connection to enable MySQL access from remote computer we need to make some changes. Edit /etc/mysql/my.cnf file and search for bind-address line and comment it out and save it.

User Permission Login to MySQL by issuing following command, you will be prompted for my your MySQL root password.

Enter MySQL root password that we set when you installed MySQL server on rpi, after successful login issue following command to give access to…

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How to setup OpenVPN on Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi OpenVPN is a great way to access a home network from a remote location. In addition it can be used to secure network communications when connecting to public Wi-Fi. Since the RPi is very low-powered single board computer it is ideal for setup your own Raspberry VPN server with OpenVPN. OpenVPN comes with Easy_RSA, a simple package for using the RSA encryption. Let’s find out how you can how to setup OpenVPN on Raspberry Pi device. Why VPN?…

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