To communicate with mysensors serial gateway I’m using Python script which run as cron job on my controller (Raspberry pi). Python script is used to receive all incoming and sending all out going commands through serial gateway to all mysensors nodes.
MySQL Table to ForĀ Incoming Messages
First you need to create table in MySQL database so we can save all incoming messages from wireless sensors to MySQL database. Simply create table or copy and past this script to create table.
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CREATE TABLE `nodes` ( `id` INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `sync` TINYINT(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `purge` TINYINT(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'Mark For Deletion', `node_id` CHAR(50) NOT NULL COLLATE 'utf16_bin', `child_id_1` INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL, `child_id_2` INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL, `child_id_3` INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL, `child_id_4` INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL, `child_id_5` INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL, `child_id_6` INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL, `child_id_7` INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL, `child_id_8` INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL, `name` CHAR(50) NULL DEFAULT NULL COLLATE 'utf8_bin', `last_seen` TIMESTAMP NULL DEFAULT NULL ON UPDATE current_timestamp(), `notice_interval` INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 30, `min_voltage` DECIMAL(10,2) NULL DEFAULT NULL, `status` CHAR(50) NULL DEFAULT 'Active' COLLATE 'utf8_bin', `ms_version` CHAR(50) NULL DEFAULT NULL COLLATE 'utf16_bin', `sketch_version` CHAR(50) NULL DEFAULT NULL COLLATE 'utf16_bin', `repeater` TINYINT(4) NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Repeater Feature Enabled=1 or Disable=0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) COLLATE='utf16_bin' ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=1; |
MySQL Table to For Out-Going Messages
To send out commands to remote relays/nodes you need to create following table. This table and columns are self explanatory but if you need more deep knowledge you can refer to MySensors Serial Protocole
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CREATE TABLE `messages_out` ( `id` INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `sync` TINYINT(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `purge` TINYINT(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'Mark For Deletion', `node_id` CHAR(50) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Node ID' COLLATE 'utf32_bin', `child_id` INT(11) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Child Sensor', `sub_type` INT(11) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Command Type', `ack` INT(11) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Ack Req/Resp', `type` INT(11) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Type', `payload` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Payload' COLLATE 'utf8_general_ci', `sent` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'Sent Status 0 No - 1 Yes', `datetime` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp() ON UPDATE current_timestamp() COMMENT 'Current datetime', `zone_id` INT(11) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Zone ID related to this entery', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) COLLATE='utf32_bin' ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=1; |
Python Script To Communicate with Serial Gateway
Python script runs in loop to capture all in incoming messages and check database base for any outgoing messages. This script is very self explanatory but if you need help or can not understand let me know i will do my best to reply you as quickly as humanely possible.
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#!/usr/bin/python class bc: hed = '\033[95m' dtm = '\033[0;36;40m' ENDC = '\033[0m' SUB = '\033[3;30;45m' WARN = '\033[0;31;40m' grn = '\033[0;32;40m' wht = '\033[0;37;40m' ylw = '\033[93m' fail = '\033[91m' print bc.hed + " " print " _____ _ _ _ " print " | __ \ (_) | | | | " print " | |__) | _ | |__| | ___ _ __ ___ ___ " print " | ___/ | | | __ | / _ \ | |_ \_ \ / _ \ " print " | | | | | | | | | (_) | | | | | | | | __/" print " |_| |_| |_| |_| \___/ |_| |_| |_| \___|" print " " print " S M A R T H E A T I N G C O N T R O L " print "********************************************************" print "* MySensors 2.2 Serial Gateway Communication Script *" print "* to communicate with MySensors Nodes, for more info *" print "* please check MySensors API. Build Date: 18/09/2017 *" print "* Version 0.05 - Last Modified 21/07/2019 *" print "* Have Fun - *" print "********************************************************" print " " print " " + bc.ENDC import MySQLdb as mdb, sys, serial, time # ref: # stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0 115200 # cat /dev/ttyUSB0 #PiHome Database Settings Variables dbhost = 'localhost' dbuser = 'root' dbpass = 'passw0rd' dbname = 'pihome' con = mdb.connect(dbhost, dbuser, dbpass, dbname) cur = con.cursor() cur.execute('SELECT * FROM gateway where status = 1 order by id asc limit 1') row = cur.fetchone(); gatewaysp=row[5] gatewayspeed=row[6] print bc.grn + "Gateway Serial Port: ",gatewaysp, bc.ENDC print bc.grn + "Baud Rate: ",gatewayspeed, bc.ENDC # ps. you can troubleshoot with "screen" # screen /dev/ttyAMA0 115200 # ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyMySensorsGateway', 115200, timeout=0) ser = serial.Serial(gatewaysp, gatewayspeed, timeout=0) in_str = ser.readline() print in_str while 1: try: con = mdb.connect(dbhost, dbuser, dbpass, dbname)# MySQL Database Connection Settings cur = con.cursor() # Cursor object to Current Connection cur.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `messages_out` where sent = 0') # MySQL query statement count = cur.fetchone() # Grab all messages from database for Outgoing. count = count[0] # Parse first and the only one part of data table named "count" - there is number of records grabbed in SELECT above if count > 0: #If greater then 0 then we have something to send out. print bc.grn + "Total Messages to Sent : ",count, bc.grn # Print how many Messages we have to send out. cur.execute('SELECT * FROM `messages_out` where sent = 0') #grab all messages that where not send yet (sent ==0) msg = cur.fetchone(); #Grab first record and build a message: if you change table fields order you need to change following lines as well. out_id = int(msg[0]) #Record ID - only DB info, out_node_id = msg[3] #Node ID out_child_id = msg[4] #Child ID of the node where sensor/relay is attached. out_sub_type = msg[5] #Command Type out_ack = msg[6] #Ack req/resp out_type = msg[7] #Type out_payload = msg[8] #Payload to send out. sent = msg[9] #Status of message either its sent or not. (1 for sent, 0 for not sent yet) print "Date & Time: ",time.ctime() print "Message From Database: ",out_id, out_node_id, out_child_id, out_sub_type, out_ack, out_type, out_payload, sent #Print what will be sent including record id and sent status. msg = str(out_node_id) #Node ID msg += ';' #Separator msg += str(out_child_id) #Child ID of the Node. msg += ';' #Separator msg += str(out_sub_type) msg += ';' #Separator msg += str(out_ack) msg += ';' #Separator msg += str(out_type) msg += ';' #Separator msg += str(out_payload) #Payload from DB msg += ' \n' #New line print "Full Message to Send: ",msg #Print Full Message print "Node ID: ",out_node_id print "Child Sensor ID: ",out_child_id print "Command Type: ",out_sub_type print "Ack Req/Resp: ",out_ack print "Type: ",out_type print "Pay Load: ",out_payload print " \n" # node-id ; child-sensor-id ; command ; ack ; type ; payload \n ser.write(msg) # !!!! send it to serial (arduino attached to rPI by USB port) # help cur.execute('UPDATE `messages_out` set sent=1 where id=%s', [out_id]) #update DB so this message will not be processed in next loop con.commit() #commit above except mdb.Error, e: print "Error %d: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1]) sys.exit(1) finally: if con: con.close() in_str = ser.readline() #Here is receiving part of the code # ..:: Un-comments Following two lines to see what you are receing and size of string ::.. # print "Size of String: ", sys.getsizeof(in_str)," \n" # print "String as Received: ",in_str," \n" if not sys.getsizeof(in_str) <= 22 : # and in_str[:1] == '0': #here is the line where sensor IDs over 100 are processed print bc.ylw + "Size of the String Received: ", sys.getsizeof(in_str), bc.ENDC print "Date & Time: ",time.ctime() print "Full String Received: ",in_str statement = in_str.split(";") print "Full Statement Received: ",statement node_id = int(statement[0]) print "Node ID: ",node_id child_sensor_id = int(statement[1]) print "Child Sensor ID: ",child_sensor_id message_type = int(statement[2]) print "Message Type: ",message_type ack = int(statement[3]) print "Acknowledge: ",ack sub_type = int(statement[4]) print "Sub Type: ",sub_type payload = statement[5] print "Pay Load: ",payload try: con = mdb.connect(dbhost, dbuser, dbpass, dbname) cur = con.cursor() # ..::Step One::.. # First time Temperature Sensors Node Comes online: Add Node to The Nodes Table. if (node_id != 0 and child_sensor_id == 255 and message_type == 0 and sub_type == 17): #if (child_sensor_id != 255 and message_type == 0): cur.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `nodes` where node_id = (%s)', (node_id, )) row = cur.fetchone() row = int(row[0]) if (row == 0): print "1: Adding Node ID:",node_id, "MySensors Version:", payload, "\n\n" cur.execute('INSERT INTO nodes(node_id, status, ms_version) VALUES(%s, %s, %s)', (node_id, 'Active', payload)) con.commit() else: print "1: Node ID:",node_id," Already Exist In Node Table, Updating MS Version \n\n" cur.execute('UPDATE nodes SET ms_version = %s where node_id = %s', (payload, node_id)) con.commit() # ..::Step One B::.. # First time Node Comes online with Repeater Feature Enabled: Add Node to The Nodes Table. if (node_id != 0 and child_sensor_id == 255 and message_type == 0 and sub_type == 18): #if (child_sensor_id != 255 and message_type == 0): cur.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `nodes` where node_id = (%s)', (node_id, )) row = cur.fetchone() row = int(row[0]) if (row == 0): print "1-B: Adding Node ID:",node_id, "MySensors Version:", payload, "\n\n" cur.execute('INSERT INTO nodes(node_id, repeater, ms_version) VALUES(%s, %s, %s)', (node_id, '1', payload)) con.commit() else: print "1-B: Node ID:",node_id," Already Exist In Node Table, Updating MS Version \n\n" cur.execute('UPDATE nodes SET ms_version = %s where node_id = %s', (payload, node_id)) con.commit() # ..::Step Two ::.. # Add Nodes Name i.e. Relay, Temperature Sensor etc. to Nodes Table. if (child_sensor_id == 255 and message_type == 3 and sub_type == 11): payload = payload[:-1] # remove \n from payload otherwise you will endup two lines sensors name in database. print "2: Update Node Record for Node ID:", node_id, " Sensor Type:", payload, "\n\n" cur.execute('UPDATE nodes SET name = %s where node_id = %s', (payload, node_id)) con.commit() # ..::Step Three ::.. # Add Nodes Sketch Version to Nodes Table. if (node_id != 0 and child_sensor_id == 255 and message_type == 3 and sub_type == 12): payload = payload[:-1] # remove \n from payload otherwise you will endup two lines sensors name in database. print "3: Update Node ID: ", node_id, " Node Sketch Version: ", payload, "\n\n" cur.execute('UPDATE nodes SET sketch_version = %s where node_id = %s', (payload, node_id)) con.commit() # ..::Step Four::.. # Add Node Child ID to Node Table #25;0;0;0;6; if (node_id != 0 and child_sensor_id != 255 and message_type == 0 and sub_type == 6): print "4: Adding Node's Child ID for Node ID:", node_id, " Child Sensor ID:", child_sensor_id, "\n\n" cur.execute('UPDATE nodes SET child_id_1 = %s WHERE node_id = %s', [child_sensor_id, node_id]) con.commit() # ..::Step Five::.. # Add Temperature Reading to database if (node_id != 0 and child_sensor_id != 255 and message_type == 1 and sub_type == 0): print "5: Adding Temperature Reading From Node ID:", node_id, " Child Sensor ID:", child_sensor_id, " PayLoad:", payload, "\n\n" cur.execute('INSERT INTO messages_in(node_id, child_id, sub_type, payload) VALUES(%s,%s,%s,%s)', (node_id,child_sensor_id,sub_type,payload)) con.commit() cur.execute('UPDATE `nodes` SET `last_seen`=now(), `sync`=0 WHERE node_id = %s', [node_id]) con.commit() # ..::Step Six::.. # Add Battery Voltage Nodes Battery Table # Example: 25;1;1;0;38;4.39 if (node_id != 0 and child_sensor_id != 255 and message_type == 1 and sub_type == 38): print "6: Battery Voltage for Node ID:", node_id, " Battery Voltage:", payload, "\n\n" b_volt = payload # dont add record to table insted add record with battery voltage and level in next step ##cur.execute('INSERT INTO nodes_battery(node_id, bat_level) VALUES(%s,%s)', (node_id,payload)) ##cur.execute('UPDATE `nodes` SET `last_seen`=now() WHERE node_id = %s', [node_id]) ##con.commit() # ..::Step Seven::.. # Add Battery Level Nodes Battery Table # Example: 25;255;3;0;0;104 if (node_id != 0 and child_sensor_id == 255 and message_type == 3 and sub_type == 0): print "7: Adding Battery Level & Voltage for Node ID:", node_id, "Battery Voltage:",b_volt,"Battery Level:",payload,"\n\n" cur.execute('INSERT INTO nodes_battery(node_id, bat_voltage, bat_level) VALUES(%s,%s,%s)', (node_id, b_volt, payload)) cur.execute('UPDATE nodes SET last_seen=now(), `sync`=0 WHERE node_id = %s', [node_id]) con.commit() # ..::Step Eight::.. # Add Boost Status Level to Database/Relay Last seen gets added here as well when ACK is set to 1 in messages_out table. if (node_id != 0 and child_sensor_id != 255 and message_type == 1 and sub_type == 2): # print "2 insert: ", node_id, " , ", child_sensor_id, "payload", payload print "8. Adding Database Record: Node ID:",node_id," Child Sensor ID:", child_sensor_id, " PayLoad:", payload, "\n" xboost = "UPDATE boost SET status=%s WHERE boost_button_id=%s AND boost_button_child_id = %s" cur.execute(xboost, (payload, node_id, child_sensor_id,)) con.commit() cur.execute('UPDATE `nodes` SET `last_seen`=now(), `sync`=0 WHERE node_id = %s', [node_id]) con.commit() # ..::Step Nine::.. # Add Away Status Level to Database if (node_id != 0 and child_sensor_id != 255 and child_sensor_id == 4 and message_type == 1 and sub_type == 2): # print "2 insert: ", node_id, " , ", child_sensor_id, "payload", payload print "9. Adding Database Record: Node ID:", node_id, " Child Sensor ID:", child_sensor_id, " PayLoad:", payload, "\n" xaway = "UPDATE away SET status=%s WHERE away_button_id=%s AND away_button_child_id = %s" cur.execute(xaway, (payload, node_id, child_sensor_id,)) con.commit() cur.execute('UPDATE `nodes` SET `last_seen`=now(), `sync`=0 WHERE node_id = %s', [node_id]) con.commit() #else: #print bc.WARN+ "No Action Defined Incomming Node Message Ignored \n\n" +bc.ENDC # ..::Step Ten::.. # When Gateway Startup Completes if (node_id == 0 and child_sensor_id == 255 and message_type == 0 and sub_type == 18): print "10: PiHome MySensors Gateway Version :", payload, "\n\n" cur.execute('UPDATE gateway SET version = %s', [payload]) con.commit() # ..::Step Eleven::.. 40;0;3;0;1;02:27 # When client is requesting time if (node_id != 0 and child_sensor_id == 255 and message_type == 3 and sub_type == 1): print "11: Node ID: ",node_id," Requested Time \n" #nowtime = time.ctime() nowtime = time.strftime('%H:%M') ntime = "UPDATE messages_out SET payload=%s, sent=%s WHERE node_id=%s AND child_id = %s" cur.execute(ntime, (nowtime, '0', node_id, child_sensor_id,)) con.commit() # ..::Step Twelve::.. 40;0;3;0;1;02:27 # When client is requesting text if (node_id != 0 and message_type == 2 and sub_type == 47): print "12: Node ID: ",node_id,"Child ID: ", child_sensor_id," Requesting Text \n" nowtime = time.strftime('%H:%M') ntime = "UPDATE messages_out SET payload=%s, sent=%s WHERE node_id=%s AND child_id = %s" #cur.execute(ntime, (nowtime, '0', node_id, child_sensor_id,)) #con.commit() except mdb.Error, e: print "Error %d: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1]) sys.exit(1) finally: if con: con.close() time.sleep(1) |
Checkout how to Building a MySensors Serial Gateway as Raspberry pi hat
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